More and more people prepare lunchboxes by themselves. Boxed diet has become an important part of a healthy lifestyle. In December 2019, Sokołów has invited bloggers and journalists to teach them about how to compose lunchboxes during regular workshops that the company organizes to raise awareness about the well-balanced diet. Together with the experts - Zuzanna Antecka (dietician) and Dominic Moskalenko (Sokołów chef), the workshop participants prepared wholesome meals in a box - suitable for both children and adults.
Take-away foods
Dietary habits undergo a gradual and significant changes. Takeaway, brought to school or work, has always been popular, but now it takes on a whole new form. A simple sandwich is not enough to give the energy to effectively work outdoors for hours. “Awareness of the importance of a properly balanced meal eaten outside the home, it is becoming more common,” says Marcin Bałanda, Sokołów S.A. PR and Communications Director. “Still, many people reach for unhealthy snacks and ready-made fast food, justifying their choice with the lack of time and ideas to prepare their lunchboxes. During the workshop, we wanted not only to show the importance of what we eat at work or school but also suggest ideas for lunchboxes that will be loved by children and adults and will fully satisfy their nutritional needs.”
The workshops took place in a unique setting - a historic Country Manor in Wola Suchożebrska. The guests included journalists and bloggers, as well as children who had the opportunity to gather fruits and vegetables growing in the garden.

How to prepare the perfect lunchbox
The dietician Zuzanna Antecka has presented the rules for the appropriate composition of lunchboxes. She stressed that while we are out, we should intake a correct number of calories, i.e. about 1/3 of the daily norm. It is very important especially in the case of children. Those who regularly eat lunch at school, perform better and feel better. Thus, lunch should not be just a snack but a well-balanced meal. While preparing it, it’s good to use the so-called “nutritional plate”, which shows how to compose meals. In practice, the lunchbox should consist of a nourishing food (e.g. sandwiches, porridge, tortillas, pasta or salad) supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables and snacks (e.g. Kabanos sausage, granola, dried fruits, fruit or vegetable chips). How to make the everyday preparation easier? It's best to make a list of favourite foods, use available ready meals basing your choice on their quality, and pro-actively plan, making weekly menus to use the products stored in the refrigerator.
Ideas for everyone
Workshop participants prepared four properly balanced and delicious lunchboxes. The first box, proposed by Zuzanna Antecka, consisted of Naturrino ham rolls with roasted sweet potato and cream cheese and baked carrot porridge, highlighted with the taste of the original yoghurt gingerbread dip, fresh fruit and sunflower seeds. The second lunchbox was created for the lovers of vegetables. It consisted of courgette waffle sandwich with spinach and Z Gruntu Dobre hummus, raspberry cocktail on yoghurt and sweet snacks to nibble on (dried fruits and some dark chocolate). Dominik Moskalenko, the Sokołów chef, proposed meaty meals, designed primarily for men and physically active people. He combined the fried pork loin with roasted potatoes and salad with fried seasonal vegetables and fruits. Last lunchbox is a quick option, based on the stir-fry technique. It consisted of a beef sirloin with vegetables and rice and a refreshing fruit salad with fresh mint.
All dishes have been “tested” by both the adult participants and children. “Our workshop lunchboxes were very diverse. All were created following the dietary guidelines,” sums up Marcin Bałanda. “I hope that not only will they be used as ready-made everyday solutions, but also serve as an inspiration to create your culinary ideas for delicious box.