Sokolow Podlaski, February 6, 2023
With reference to the information and video materials that appeared in the article "Droga na Rzeź" published on February 6, 2023 on the website, we would like to assure you that any failure to comply with animal welfare procedures meets our deep opposition.
We assure you that we treat reports and signals regarding the possibility of improper treatment of animals very seriously. Therefore, we immediately took all possible steps aimed at a detailed investigation of the matter presented in the above-mentioned article. If our animal welfare standards are breached, there will be immediate and severe consequences for those responsible.
Care for the welfare of animals at all stages of production and marketing is extremely important for Sokołów SA. This is achieved through internal procedures and employee training. All employees are obliged to respect the principles of welfare. The company's structure includes the position of Animal Welfare Director, and an Animal Welfare Officer is employed in each department that receives live animals. The observance of procedures regarding the proper treatment of animals delivered to Sokołów SA plants is subject to continuous supervision and daily verification by the plant services at the stage of accepting animals to the plant. The process of delivery, unloading, movement and slaughter of animals is under constant official supervision of the Veterinary Inspection. The Sokołów plant operates in accordance with internationally recognized certificates, which entails the obligation to comply with strict animal welfare rules.
Strictly defined rules also apply to our suppliers, who are required to make deliveries by means of transport adapted and approved for the transport and unloading of livestock, and the transport must be performed in accordance with current transport regulations and animal welfare regulations. We would like to emphasize that during transport and unloading, the carriers, who are not employees of Sokołów, but employees of external companies, are directly responsible for the animals.
In addition, we would like to mention that all irregularities and mishandling of animals are reported to the Veterinary Inspection, and appropriate consequences are taken against the responsible persons.
Regardless of this , immediately after receiving the signal, we took specific actions to provide additional support in strict compliance with the animal welfare procedures in force in our facilities:
- We will conduct additional training on welfare principles for our employees, as well as for suppliers and carriers cooperating with the plant in Koło. We have already taken appropriate actions to implement this training as soon as possible.
- In order to ensure full transparency and verification of current procedures, an animal welfare audit will be held at the Koło plant, which will be carried out by external, independent experts.
Dariusz Jakobowski
Director of the Company for Sustainable Development and Animal Welfare