The most important information in connection with the current situation

The coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic has created completely new challenges. In this extremely difficult situation, it is crucial for us to increase the safety of our employees and ensure the continuity of production.
Thanks to the daily commitment of the Sokołów Group employees, our products remain available to the consumers around the country. Providing special protection to all persons employed in our company is our utmost priority. We have undertaken a number of specific actions.
We have informed our employees about the existing threat and provided them with the guidelines on how to keep safe. We have included relevant information on the posters positioned in all key areas in each production and business unit. We have also sent them by email and included it in the employee newsletter. The safety rules are also regularly displayed on monitors.
We have introduced restrictions on direct contacts with representatives of other entities, and in particular on entering our facilities by people from outside the Sokołów Group and on the employees’ movement between the units. All entrances and areas with heavy employee traffic are equipped with liquid hand sanitiser dispensers. All incoming documents are subject to 24-hour “quarantine” before they come into circulation. We have implemented new procedures in the system of opening of individual rooms significantly limiting contacts between employees. We have also set out the rules on how to deal with a suspected or a confirmed case of a worker with a coronavirus infection. The administrative staff has been offered a possibility of working remotely from their homes.
According to the new security procedures people with symptoms of the infection, and those that have been in contact with an infected person, a person under quarantine or returning from abroad, are not allowed to enter the company premises. These persons are required to phone the sanitary-epidemiological station (phone numbers are available on posters) in order to determine the further course of action and to notify their supervisor. We will soon start testing thermal cameras, checking the temperature of the employees entering our facilities. This system will allow us to effectively verify whether any of the workers has elevated temperature. Drivers are required to fill in a declaration confirming their state of health at the entry gate. They are also required to unconditionally follow any and all implemented rules and to minimize contact with employees. The international drivers are not allowed to exit their cars on the company premises.
The Sokołów S.A. Management Board has also decided to temporarily suspend all national and international travels.
We are keeping track of messages issued by the sanitary and epidemiological services and adopt all recommendations. We are convinced that these actions will prove effective at limiting the threat and strengthening the safety of our employees.