What we follow in our daily work has an impact not only on the products that we produce but also on the future of each of us. The choices we make and the goals we set for ourselves as an organization are always verified with respect to the environmental care and respect for the common good. We focus on development, which for us means improving our products based on solutions and technologies aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impact.
Producing with good energy
We are a company that boasts one of the most environmentally friendly and technologically advanced power plants in the food industry in Europe. In Sokołów Podlaski we have launched a condensing gas power plant, which produces both heat and electricity. Thanks to this investment, the combustion of gas is highly efficient and environmentally friendly. In just two years it allowed us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 36,900 tonnes. It is worth mentioning that none of our plants uses coal to produce energy. What's more, we are constantly improving infrastructure – upgrading thermal efficiency of buildings and energy installations and recovering heat from production equipment and refrigeration systems. More efficient management of electrical energy in our plants is also an effect of replacing traditional lighting with LED luminaires.

Closer to nature
Alarming data on dwindling natural resources have given us the impetus to introduce other innovations, such as reducing water consumption. Among them are modern packaging machines with closed water circulation, or own car washes in Sokołów and Koło, which greatly reduce its consumption. We are also reducing the amount of paper used – our suppliers receive only electronic invoices, we use forest-friendly FSC standard cartons and use packaging manufactured from recycled paper. To have our business interfere with the environment as little as possible, we conduct waste segregation starting at the production level. We also make sure that our partners are entities that – just as Sokolow S.A. – prioritise conducting business in accordance with the idea of sustainable development.