Can you find better livestock breeders than farmers? Passed down from generation to generation, farms are for them not only a place of work but also their home where they live and raise families. Traditionally, all family members participate in caring for animals. The fruits of their labour and their land not only bring them pride but also make the quality of the produced animals becoming a matter of priority. We too appreciate the involvement of farmers and the values that drive them. The history of a direct cooperation between Sokołów and the breeders within the scope of the "Razem w Przyszłość” (Together into the Future) programme dates back nearly 20 years, and the number of our contracted reaches almost 3,500 people.
The origin of matters
Wholesome, tasty meals are an extremely important part of everyday life, affecting almost every its aspect: from the health, through well-being to the power to act. Our main goal is to provide products that allow composing high-quality dishes. Therefore, we attach great importance to ensuring that our meat and sausages come from a safe, reliable source and meet the highest standards and norms. At the same time, we do not forget about the animals – we are constantly working on providing the optimal conditions for growth and are caring about proper nutrition.
Shoulder to shoulder with breeders
Thinking about the well-being of animals and the highest quality of meat, Sokołów S.A. has implemented a programme of direct co-operation with farmers, called “Razem w Przyszłość” (Together into the Future). We are one of the first Polish meat industry companies which decided to closely cooperate with farms. We've been supporting pig farmers since 2000, and cattle farmers since 2007.
Thanks to the “Razem w Przyszłość” programme, farmers have an opportunity to benefit from our knowledge and technology to create the most beneficial environment for the raised animals. And we gain certainty, that we provide the highest quality meat to our customers. The “Razem w Przyszłość” programme is also about controlling each stage of production, starting from where the animals come from, up to the finished product available from the shelf.

How do we support cattle breeders?
The participants of the "Razem w Przyszłość" programme are provided with attractive financing options for purchasing calves. At each stage of cooperation, we provide advice on how to modernize the farm and assist in obtaining the highest-potential calves. We support both the farmers who have conditions for fattening cattle, as well as those who are planning to join the program, as well as the milk producers opting for additional, alternative production direction. All farmers with roughage facilities and buildings for cattle are welcome to join the programme. “Cattle fattening is one of the most stable and promising directions of agricultural production, which at the same time does not require expensive investments in specialized production facilities”, says Leszek Jakielski, Cattle Purchase Director.
How do we support pig farmers?
“We provide comprehensive advice – both on the subject of animal nutrition, improving environmental conditions, the equipment and modernization of production facilities. The employees of our Raw Material Supply Bureau, as well as of Agro-Sokołów and other companies cooperating in the Programme are open to any inquiries from breeders”, says Robert Chmiel, Pig Purchase Director.
“Working with us has a range of financial benefits – we are providing attractive settlement conditions and short payment terms, as well as give access to attractive bank loans to finance the purchase of gilts and young hogs for breeding, piglets and feed” adds Robert Chmiel, Pig Purchase Director.

Contact us: Pigs

ul. Aleja 550-lecia 1
08-300 Sokołów Podlaski

025/ 64 08 315
64 08 451

Contact us: Cattle

ul. Aleja 550-lecia 1
08-300 Sokołów Podlaski

025/ 64 08 127
64 08 334
