From sport to health - with Sokołów!

Sokołów has been involved in social activities for many years. This is one of the key pillars of the company's operation and the strategy. Sokołów's activity covers many areas: environmental protection, sustainable food production, supporting and developing employees as well as building positive relations with business partners and local communities. An extremely important topic is also promoting a healthy lifestyle - in particular among children and adolescents. Sokołów supports interesting campaigns that promote physical activity, such as Marcin Gortat Camp and the Polish Football Championship for Children from Orphanages.
Marcin Gortat is a true legend in the basketball world - a former NBA player, adored by fans, including the youngest. The “Mierz Wysoko” (“Sky is the limit”) Foundation he has created helps young people to pursue their own sports dreams. The implementation of this goal is supported, among others, by the very popular camps and training courses for children and youth - Marcin Gortat Camp. During his tour of Poland, the basketball player and his team organize sports meetings for young basketball enthusiasts. Sokołów has been a partner of this initiative for many years, engaging in the promotion of physical activity among children and adolescents in the form that is most attractive to them - through the fun and the opportunity to meet an admired idol.
This year, for the first time, Sokołów sponsored the 11th Polish Football Championship for Children from Orphanages, organized by the "Nadzieja na Mundial" (“Hope for the Cup”) Association. It is the largest cyclical sports event in Poland for kids from care and educational institutions from all over the country - every year awaited and adored by young football players. By supporting the organization of the championships, Sokołów helps children pursue their great sports passion, and at the same time - to experience wonderful, positive emotions.
The involvement in such initiatives is also a great opportunity to promote a nutritious diet. Sokołów provides participants with valuable snacks, thanks to which young athletes can see that the health and the good taste can walk hand in hand.
The joy, emotions and successes of young athletes are the best proof that it is worth being socially responsible and supporting such interesting and valuable initiatives.