Sokołów Steak Timer app

Sokołów Steak Timer app

Sokołów Steak Timer app will make preparing delicious steak a breeze. With just a few simple steps the perfect steak will land on our plate. Download free app and impress your friends.

The app has been created in cooperation with an experienced cook, who has set precise recipes and frying/barbecuing times for each type of steak. Thanks to the Sokołów Steak Timer app, the steaks will always be exactly how you like them — rare, medium or well done.

Why should you use the app? A loud signal will remind you that it’s time for the next step in preparing the dish. When you finish, you can share a picture of your perfect steak — let your friends know that you are a true top chef!

The Sokołow Steak Timer app is dedicated especially for products from the Qulinary Feast line, but it will help you prepare other similar steaks, too.

The Sokołów Steak Timer app is available at:

Google Play
App Store