Sokołów Comes to Help – nationwide large-scale action

More than 10 tonnes of Sokołów products will go to needy seniors as part of the “Sokołów Comes to help” action. Thanks to the cooperation with Caritas Polska, the food will be transferred to the people under the care of the charity in the whole country. Moreover, the Sokołów company also supports the Warsaw insurgents. Acting together with the Foundation for the Memory of the Heroes of the Warsaw Uprising, the company will provide 2,400 products. Sokołów is also involved in helping doctors, nurses and paramedics. Through the TVN Foundation, the company donated PLN 300 000 to health facilities. The company also joined the special charity advertising block aired on Polsat TV channel. The proceeds will be donated to the medical centres in need of help.
The ongoing COVID-19 epidemic had impacted most areas of our daily lives. This special situation greatly affects the elderly, which should limit any outdoor activity to a maximum degree. The planned large-scale food aid from the Sokołów company will help this group. „The Sokołów SA Management Board decided to provide support on many levels, seeing how great is the demand for help in the current situation”, says Boguslaw Miszczuk, Sokołów S.A. President of the Management Board. “Our support is aimed at senior citizens. We are cooperating in this field with Caritas Polska and the Foundation for the Memory of the Heroes of the Warsaw Uprising. The Sokołów action also includes supporting the health care facilities. We are providing funds which will be used to meet the most urgent needs of medical institutions. I hereby declare that we are planning the launch more activities supporting the fight against coronavirus.”
Sokołów always supported local communities in the cities where its production plants are located, so the food donated to the #PomocDlaSeniora charity action by Caritas Polska will be directed there. Nine selected Caritas dioceses will receive more than 10 tonnes of food from Sokołów. The Sokołów products will also go to the heroes of the Warsaw Uprising, in cooperation with the Foundation for the Memory of the Heroes of the Warsaw Uprising. This is not a one-time action. Sokołów will regularly provide food for all the Foundation's charges for several weeks.
The company will also help the medical staff fighting at the front lines of the war with the coronavirus through the TVN Foundation and the Polsat TV channel. Sokołów gave PLN 300 000 to the TVN Foundation, which will be used to purchase protection measures, disinfectants and other necessary measures for the hospitals and health facilities. The company also joined the initiative by the Polsat Television, i.e. a special advertising block, which was aired on April 2. Through the Polsat Foundation, all proceeds will be used to help hospitals and institutions involved in the fight against coronavirus.