Sokolik 2019 Grand Finale

On 6 June, the stadium in Siedlce became the venue for the Grand Finale of the Sokolik 2019 Children’s and Youth Football Tournament. The winners of the powiat-level eliminations competed in four categories. Traditionally, Sokołow S.A. was the patron of the event.

Supporting local initiatives is one of Sokołów Group’s missions. The company has a long history of being a patron of regional and national sporting events. The Sokolik Tournament is a cyclical event, the biggest kids’ sporting event in the region, with teams from different powiats competing for the title.

During this year’s summer edition of the tournament, the eliminations took place in powiats. The finals were full of emotions, fierce competition and spectacular wins.

The winners in each category are:
- Akademia Piłkarska z Sokołowa Podlaskiego (Sokołów Podlaski Football Academy), boys born in 2008 and younger,
- SP2 from Mińsk Mazowiecki, boys born in 2006-2007,
- Słoń w Pasach from Łuków, boys born in 2003-2005,
- Tygrysiątka Huta Mińsk from Mińsk Mazowiecki, girls.

The best tournament players were selected in each category. They were presented with statuettes for the best footballer. The winning teams received medals and prizes, presented, among others, by Paweł Włodawiec, Sokołów S.A. Deputy CEO and Robert Chmiel Sokołów S.A. Director, Purchases. As every year, our company made sure that the kids had tasty memories of the Tournament.

We congratulate the winners and wish them more successes!

Film courtesy of the Tygodnik Siedlecki magazine: