The Sokołów Comes to Help action continues

More deliveries of food products for those in need and further support for medical services
Sokołów continues providing help to those in need. As a part of the Sokołów Comes to Help action conducted all over Poland the company has already donated more than 20 tons of food products for those in need, as well as PLN 300,000 for purchasing means of protection for medical personnel. This time more than 9 tons of products have been donated to Food Banks, and nearly 2 tons of cold cuts and snacks have been delivered to 8 hospitals for infectious diseases. Sokołów continues supporting Warsaw Uprising insurgents through cooperation with the Warsaw Uprising Heroes Remembrance Foundation. The company supports also doctors and nurses who combat the coronavirus in the front line. The company has donated 2,000 masks and other means of protection to the hospital in Sokołów Podlaski.
The COVID-19 epidemic has far-reaching and long-lasting consequences. There is a growing number of people who have found themselves in difficult situations and need help, also as regards basic food products. They are the recipients of support provided by Sokołów. The company had already donated more than 10 tons of food for the #PomocDlaSeniora action carried out by Caritas Polska. Now more than 9 tons of products from Sokołów will be delivered through the agency of Food Banks to those in need. ‘For us social responsibility is a value of key significance. In the present, extraordinary situation it becomes even more important,’ said Bogusław Miszczuk, President of the Management Board of Sokołów S.A. ‘This is why we carry out our action named Sokołów Comes to Help on such a large scale, and in several phases. In cooperation with organizations such as Caritas Polska, Polish Food Banks Federation, Warsaw Uprising Heroes Remembrance Foundation, TVN Foundation we operate efficiently, and our financial help and support in the form of food products is competently directed to those who need it.
Sokołów has delivered more than 9 tons of products to eight Food Banks situated in the areas where the company’s plants operate. High-quality canned products and easy-to-prepare ready dishes belonging to the Premium line have been delivered to branches of Food Banks in Kraków, Grudziądz, Poznań, Rzeszów, Siedlce, Ciechanów, Konin and Warsaw. Each of the branches received 3,750 product items weighing in total more than 1,000 kg.
An action is also continued which consists in delivering food for individuals remaining under the care of the Warsaw Uprising Heroes Remembrance Foundation and of the Daycare Home for Warsaw Uprising Veterans. The Warsaw Uprising insurgents will receive from Sokołów 2,400 product items in total.
The company is also involved in providing support to doctors, nurses and medical rescue workers. The plant in Sokołów Podlaski delivered to the local hospital means of personal protection: 2,000 masks, 60 coveralls, 500 shoe covers and 50 liters of disinfecting liquid. Nearly 2 tons of cold cuts and snacks have been delivered for the medical personnel of 8 hospitals for infectious diseases in Kraków, Bydgoszcz, Wrocław, Lublin, Poznań, Gdynia, Częstochowa and Szczecin. Those are further actions taken by Sokołów in support of medical services. Earlier on the company donated through the TVN Foundation PLN 300,000 as help for hospitals, and also took part in a block of charity commercials aired by Polsat Television.
Because of the applicable restrictions on social life, all the activities carried out as a part of the Sokołów Comes to Help action required particularly efficient coordination. Despite the extraordinary conditions, they have been completed as planned, and help has been provided to those who need it most.